By Gibson Goff
I can’t remember the last time it hit 122 degrees in Atlantic City, but I can remember it in Las
Vegas. And more than once. And for all the irritations associated with humidity, Atlantic City
has a sure cure for that. It’s called the Atlantic Ocean.
All the big name players are there in AC for your gambling pleasure, if you are a player. Just
like Vegas. But that’s where the beauty, the difference between Vegas and AC takes over. You
can walk the entire strip and never encounter a car, much less a taxi trying to run you over in
the crosswalk.
You can step outside the casinos and actually have a place to sit down. Out of the heat, and
with something else to look at besides, well, casinos.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Vegas. I love the glitz, the glamour, the fun, and yes, the
architecture. There’s some really cool buildings and decorations in Vegas. But when I want to
go sit for a little bit and just chill before going another six to eight hours, I want to sit and chill.
Not continue to be over stimulated.
That’s the beauty of Atlantic City. My wife and I really like the Wild, Wild West Casino. We
know a lot of the entertainers that perform there. So after winning some, hobnobbing some
and enjoying a couple of drinks, we can walk out the doors of the casino and onto the
boardwalk. We can stroll along, enjoying the sea air, sights and sounds. No taxis, no
crosswalks, no wall to wall crowds.
And everyone is a pedestrian. There are no rental Lamborghini’s burning rubber and reaching
100 MPH between stoplights to contend with. Or frat brothers trying to drunkenly run us down
on rental scooters.
A few years ago Atlantic City conducted a study and found that over 85% of the folks in town
are there for 4 hours or less. Highly transit, there for the entertainment and to spend money,
and then go home. So the powers to be did two things. They tried to find a way to extend that
4 hour period, instead of a half day vi sit, how about keeping folks there for a full day? And
second, cater to the customer.
If number one doesn’t work, make sure they really enjoy their 4 hour stay! So how to get he
day trippers, not just gamblers? Make it more family friendly, make the beach enticing, and
give people places to visit other than casinos.
But if you are a gambler, expand the casinos and boardwalk from the short stretch it was, out
and around the bay. Simple, more to do longer stay. Different things to do more, and
different visitors. Hence, a gaming mecca that rivals Vegas, with all the charm of an east
coast seaside city.
All the low priced buffets and chances to come home with more than you arrived with, while
enjoying the ocean, Salt Water Taffy and the amusements.
There are still crazy taxi drivers to dodge if you want to. But in AC, you have to want to!